Red Underwear

Films, Best Student Films


Availability ended 12/6/2020 EDT
In China The color red is omnipresent. Legend has it, those who wear red underwear during the Chinese New Year are considered to have luck all year especially if you land on your own Zodiac year which is considered very unlucky. Jasmine being born and raised in the west doesn’t believe in superstitions and ignores to wear The red underwear her mother asked since she has landed on her own Zodiac year, Rats year (2020) She later wishes this luck was on her side as she ends up bumping with an old school mate with dark secrets.

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Directed by Jamyang Kunga Tenzin

Written by Jamyang Kunga Tenzin

Produced by Jamyang Kunga Tenzin
Alam Loyo

Cast Cathy Huang
Lindsay Wu
Jamyang Kunga Tenzin